Author: lukababu

  • Crisis relief app

    Crisis relief app

    While grinding on Pluralsight, waiting on the bench for my next contract, a familiar email notified me to do the hackathon. It had probably been the 10th time this email had come to my inbox, but I had been avoiding it. The first time I saw the announcement I was busy with my last contract…

  • Developing a webpage for Saint Aidan’s Orthodox Church

    Developing a webpage for Saint Aidan’s Orthodox Church

    I felt sad looking at the old Saint Aidan website, l thought this should look better because I make judgments about a place through their website before I even visit it. It also makes you question whether or not the information there is up to date. So being concerned, I approached Fr. Andrew to develop…

  • Screen-a-boo: A video chat for playing with infants

    Screen-a-boo: A video chat for playing with infants

    Opa and Oma (the grandparents) want to interact with their grandchild Rhys, who is far away and with this lockdown going on, there is no way of getting close.

  • Kitchen Coach Web / Chromecast / Echo App

    Kitchen Coach Web / Chromecast / Echo App

    I have a bad habit of eating late at night, so my idea to combat this is to have a device placed in the kitchen that listens for sound input. If it were to detect sound, it would make remind me and maybe shew me away by playing a recording…

  • An empathetic button

    An empathetic button

    Our professor made us do a bunch of activities in pairs. The goal was to get us to know each other but, we had no idea what we were in for.